Running count of Bird Species seen at Kulafumbi
African Green Pigeon (click to enlarge)
Juvenile Wahlbergs Eagle
Vulturine Guineafowl
This is a list of birds which we have actually seen at Kulafumbi. The list grows almost daily when the migrants from Europe & elsewhere arrive, and also as we learn to identify more and more of the keep an eye on this page.
As far as possible, when I list migrant species, I note the date we first see them each year (starting 2007), to give an indication of the time of year these birds pass through Kulafumbi. Some migrants are inter-Africa rain migrants, following the rain around the region; others visit from Europe and Asia.
- Apalis - Yellow-breasted
- Barbet - D'Arnauds
- Barbet - Spot-flanked
- Barbet - Red and Yellow
- Batis - Pygmy
- Bee Eater - Carmine [09 Feb 08]
- Bee Eater - Eurasian [Oct 07]
- Bee Eater - Blue-cheeked [24 Jan 08] [07 Jan 09]
- Bee Eater - Little Green
- Bee Eater - Madagascar [02 May 11]
- Bee Eater - Somali [26 Oct 07]
- Bee Eater - White-throated [02 Nov 07]
- Bishop - Fire-fronted
- Brownbul - Northern
- Bulbul - Yellow Vented (aka Common Bulbul)
- Bunting - Somali Golden Breasted
- Bush Chat - Rufous (aka Rufous Scrub Robin) [21 Oct 10]
- Bush-shrike - Grey-headed
- Bush-shrike - Rosy-patched
- Bustard - Crested
- Camaroptera - Grey-backed
- Chatterer - Rufous
- Cordon Bleu - Red-cheeked
- Cormorant - Long-Tailed
- Coucal - White Browed
- Courser - Heuglins
- Crake - Black
- Crombec - Northern
- Cuckoo - African [25 Nov 07]
- Cuckoo - Black and White (aka Jacobin Cuckoo) [03 Nov 07]
- Cuckoo - Diederik [03 Nov 07]
- Cuckoo - European [25 Nov 07]
- Cuckoo - Great Spotted [02 Nov 07]
- Cuckoo - Red-chested [11 Nov 07]
- Dikkop - Water (aka Water Thick-Knee)
- Dove - Emerald Spotted Wood
- Dove - Laughing
- Dove - Namaqua
- Dove - Red-eyed
- Dove - Ring-necked
- Drongo - Fork-tailed (aka Common Drongo)
- Duck - Knob Billed
- Duck - White-faced Tree
- Eagle - African Fish
- Eagle - African Hawk
- Eagle - Bateleur
- Eagle - Booted
- Eagle - Brown Snake
- Eagle - Long-crested
- Eagle - Martial
- Eagle - Tawny
- Eagle - Wahlbergs
- Egret - Great White
- Egret - Little
- Falcon - Amur [20 Nov 07][29 Nov 09]
- Falcon - Lanner
- Falcon - Peregrine
- Finch - Cut-throat
- Firefinch - Red Billed
- Flycatcher - African Paradise
- Flycatcher - Pale
- Flycatcher - Southern Black
- Flycatcher - Spotted [Nov 07] [18 Oct 10]
- Francolin - Crested
- Gadwall [31 Oct 07]
- Go Away Bird - White Bellied (aka Bush Turaco)
- Goshawk - Gabar (including melanistic morph spotted 29 Nov 07)
- Goshawk - Pale Chanting
- Goose - Egyptian
- Greenshank - Common [Oct 07]
- Guineafowl - Helmeted
- Guineafowl - Vulturine
- Gymnogene (aka African Harrier Hawk)
- Hammerkop
- Harrier - Eurasian [14 Nov 07]
- Hawk - Bat
- Helmet-shrike - White-crested
- Heron - Black-crowned Night-
- Heron - Goliath
- Heron - Green Backed
- Heron - Purple
- Heron - Squacco
- Hoopoe - African
- Honeybird - Wahlbergs? Eastern?
- Honeyguide - Greater (aka Black-throated Honeyguide)
- Hornbill - Grey
- Hornbill - Red-billed
- Hornbill - von der Decken
- Hornbill - Yellow-billed
- Ibis - Hadada (aka Hadeda Ibis)
- Ibis - Sacred
- Indigo Bird - Common
- Kingfisher - Brown-hooded
- Kingfisher - Giant
- Kingfisher - Grey-headed
- Kingfisher - Pied
- Kite - Black (aka Yellow-billed Kite)
- Kite - Black Shouldered
- Lark - Pink-breasted
- Morning Warbler - Spotted
- Mousebird - Blue-naped
- Nightingale - subspecies: africana [Apr 11]
- Oriole - Black Headed
- Oriole - Eurasian Golden
- Oriole - Golden
- Owl - African Scops
- Owl - Verreaux Eagle
- Owlette - Pearl-spotted
- Oxpecker - Red-billed
- Parrot - Orange-bellied
- Pelicans - Pink-backed
- Petronia - Yellow-spotted
- Pigeon - African Green
- Pigeon - Speckled
- Pipit - Golden
- Plover - Ringed [Oct 07]
- Plover - Spur-winged
- Plover - White-fronted (aka White-fronted Sandplover)
- Plover - Three Banded
- Prinia - Tawny-flanked
- Puffback - Pringle's
- Pytilia - Green-winged
- Quail - Harlequin [01 Dec 07]
- Quelea - Red-billed
- Redshank - Spotted
- Roller - Broad-billed [25 Nov 07]
- Roller - European [17 Nov 07]
- Roller - Lilac-breasted [14 Nov 07]
- Ruff [25 Oct 07]
- Sandgrouse - Black-faced
- Sandpiper - Common [Oct 07]
- Sandpiper - Green [Oct 07]
- Sandpiper - Marsh [Oct 07]
- Sandpiper - Wood
- Scrub Robin - White-browed - subspecies: vulpina
- Shikra
- Shrike - Fiscal
- Shrike - Lesser Grey [10 Apr 11]
- Shrike - Slate-coloured Boubou
- Shrike - Red-tailed (aka Isabelline Shrike) - subspecies: phoenicuroides [08 Apr 11]
- Shrike - White-capped
- Silverbill - Grey-headed
- Snipe - African
- Snipe - Painted
- Sparrow - Grey-headed
- Sparrowhawk - Little
- Spoonbill - African
- Spurfowl - Yellow Necked (aka Yellow Necked Francolin)
- Starling - Fisher's
- Starling - Golden Breasted
- Starling - Magpie [11 Mar 09]
- Starling - Ruppell's Long-tailed Glossy
- Starling - Superb
- Starling - Wattled [22 Nov 07 - local migrant, follows rain]
- Stint - Little [26 Oct 07]
- Stork - African Open-billed
- Stork - Black [Oct 07]
- Stork - Marabou
- Stork - Saddle-billed
- Stork - Woolly-necked
- Stork - Yellow-billed
- Sunbird - Black-bellied
- Sunbird - Collared
- Sunbird - Hunters
- Sunbird - Purple-banded (aka Little Purple-banded Sunbird) - subspecies: tsavoensis with little or no maroon/violet on it at all, despite the name.
- Sunbird - Violet-backed
- Swallow - Lesser Striped
- Swallow - Mosque
- Swallow - Wire-tailed
- Swift - African Palm
- Swift - Common (aka Eurasian Swift) [Oct 07]
- Swift - Little
- Tchagra - Three Streaked [07 Nov 10]
- Teal - Red-billed (aka Red-billed Duck) [20 Oct 07]
- Tern - species?
- Thrush - Olive
- Tinkerbird - Red-fronted
- Wagtail - Pied
- Warbler - Olivaceous [24 Jan 11]
- Warbler - Red-fronted
- Warbler - Wood [31 Oct 10]
- Warbler - Wren
- Weaver - African Golden
- Weaver - Chestnut [Oct 07]
- Weaver - Grosbeak
- Weaver - Lesser Masked (aka Masked Weaver)
- Weaver - Red-headed
- Weaver - Village (aka Black Headed Weaver)
- Weaver - Vitelline Masked
- Weaver - Red-billed Buffalo
- Weaver - White-headed Buffalo
- Wheatear - Isabelline [08 May 11]
- Wheatear - Northern
- Whydah - Paradise
- Whydah - Pin-tailed
- Wood Hoopoe - Green
- Woodpecker - Bearded
- Woodpecker - Cardinal
- Woodpecker - Nubian

Von der Decken Hornbill Plus lots of LBJs ('Little Brown Jobs' which are impossible to identify!)
Bird Photo Galleries:
Birds of Kulafumbi [2008]...
In Pictures: Eagles of Kulafumbi [2007]...
In Pictures: Resident Bird Species of Kulafumbi [2007]...
Migrant Birds in pictures: annual visitors to Kulafumbi [2007]...
Pictures at the birdbath [2007]...
Follow "our" Egyptian Goose family as they raise their goslings to adulthood [2007 & 2008]...