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1724670-982768-thumbnail.jpg 'Kulafumbi' is our family home in Kenya, East Africa. 'Kulafumbi' is a play on the Kiswahili words "kula vumbi", which mean "eat dust", because it was so hot and dusty building our house in this remote, wild, wonderful place. Kulafumbi borders the Tsavo National Park - with no fences between us and the Park, the wildlife comes and goes of its own free will and treats our land as its own, which is exactly how we like it. In turn, we provide a protected area for the wild animals to do as they please. This protected area also creates an important buffer for the river, which forms the boundary between us and the park.
House & Land - more info
My Family & I - more info


1829439-992202-thumbnail.jpg Look how many species of animals & birds we've spotted to date at Kulafumbi:


BIRDS: 199+
INSECTS: Too many to count


"We are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems..."



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Running count of Bird Species seen at Kulafumbi

African Green Pigeon (click to enlarge)
Juvenile Wahlbergs Eagle
Vulturine Guineafowl

This is a list of birds which we have actually seen at Kulafumbi. The list grows almost daily when the migrants from Europe & elsewhere arrive, and also as we learn to identify more and more of the species...so keep an eye on this page.

As far as possible, when I list migrant species, I note the date we first see them each year (starting 2007), to give an indication of the time of year these birds pass through Kulafumbi. Some migrants are inter-Africa rain migrants, following the rain around the region; others visit from Europe and Asia.

  1. Apalis - Yellow-breasted
  2. Barbet - D'Arnauds
  3. Barbet - Spot-flanked
  4. Barbet - Red and Yellow
  5. Batis - Pygmy
  6. Bee Eater - Carmine [09 Feb 08]
  7. Bee Eater - Eurasian [Oct 07]
  8. Bee Eater - Blue-cheeked [24 Jan 08] [07 Jan 09]
  9. Bee Eater - Little Green
  10. Bee Eater - Madagascar [02 May 11]
  11. Bee Eater - Somali [26 Oct 07]
  12. Bee Eater - White-throated [02 Nov 07]
  13. Bishop - Fire-fronted
  14. Brownbul - Northern
  15. Bulbul - Yellow Vented (aka Common Bulbul)
  16. Bunting - Somali Golden Breasted
  17. Bush Chat - Rufous (aka Rufous Scrub Robin) [21 Oct 10]
  18. Bush-shrike - Grey-headed
  19. Bush-shrike - Rosy-patched
  20. Bustard - Crested
  21. Camaroptera - Grey-backed
  22. Chatterer - Rufous
  23. Cordon Bleu - Red-cheeked
  24. Cormorant - Long-Tailed
  25. Coucal - White Browed
  26. Courser - Heuglins
  27. Crake - Black
  28. Crombec - Northern
  29. Cuckoo - African [25 Nov 07]
  30. Cuckoo - Black and White (aka Jacobin Cuckoo) [03 Nov 07]
  31. Cuckoo - Diederik [03 Nov 07]
  32. Cuckoo - European [25 Nov 07]
  33. Cuckoo - Great Spotted [02 Nov 07]
  34. Cuckoo - Red-chested [11 Nov 07]
  35. Dikkop - Water (aka Water Thick-Knee)
  36. Dove - Emerald Spotted Wood
  37. Dove - Laughing
  38. Dove - Namaqua
  39. Dove - Red-eyed
  40. Dove - Ring-necked
  41. Drongo - Fork-tailed (aka Common Drongo)
  42. Duck - Knob Billed
  43. Duck - White-faced Tree
  44. Eagle - African Fish
  45. Eagle - African Hawk
  46. Eagle - Bateleur
  47. Eagle - Booted
  48. Eagle - Brown Snake
  49. Eagle - Long-crested
  50. Eagle - Martial
  51. Eagle - Tawny
  52. Eagle - Wahlbergs
  53. Egret - Great White
  54. Egret - Little
  55. Falcon - Amur [20 Nov 07][29 Nov 09]
  56. Falcon - Lanner
  57. Falcon - Peregrine
  58. Finch - Cut-throat
  59. Firefinch - Red Billed
  60. Flycatcher - African Paradise
  61. Flycatcher - Pale
  62. Flycatcher - Southern Black
  63. Flycatcher - Spotted [Nov 07] [18 Oct 10]
  64. Francolin - Crested
  65. Gadwall [31 Oct 07]
  66. Go Away Bird - White Bellied (aka Bush Turaco)
  67. Goshawk - Gabar (including melanistic morph spotted 29 Nov 07)
  68. Goshawk - Pale Chanting
  69. Goose - Egyptian
  70. Greenshank - Common [Oct 07]
  71. Guineafowl - Helmeted
  72. Guineafowl - Vulturine
  73. Gymnogene (aka African Harrier Hawk)
  74. Hammerkop
  75. Harrier - Eurasian [14 Nov 07]
  76. Hawk - Bat
  77. Helmet-shrike - White-crested
  78. Heron - Black-crowned Night-
  79. Heron - Goliath
  80. Heron - Green Backed
  81. Heron - Purple
  82. Heron - Squacco
  83. Hoopoe - African
  84. Honeybird - Wahlbergs? Eastern?
  85. Honeyguide - Greater (aka Black-throated Honeyguide)
  86. Hornbill - Grey
  87. Hornbill - Red-billed
  88. Hornbill - von der Decken
  89. Hornbill - Yellow-billed
  90. Ibis - Hadada (aka Hadeda Ibis)
  91. Ibis - Sacred
  92. Indigo Bird - Common
  93. Kingfisher - Brown-hooded
  94. Kingfisher - Giant
  95. Kingfisher - Grey-headed
  96. Kingfisher - Pied
  97. Kite - Black (aka Yellow-billed Kite)
  98. Kite - Black Shouldered
  99. Lark - Pink-breasted
  100. Morning Warbler - Spotted
  101. Mousebird - Blue-naped
  102. Nightingale - subspecies: africana [Apr 11]
  103. Oriole - Black Headed
  104. Oriole - Eurasian Golden
  105. Oriole - Golden
  106. Owl - African Scops
  107. Owl - Verreaux Eagle
  108. Owlette - Pearl-spotted
  109. Oxpecker - Red-billed
  110. Parrot - Orange-bellied
  111. Pelicans - Pink-backed
  112. Petronia - Yellow-spotted
  113. Pigeon - African Green
  114. Pigeon - Speckled
  115. Pipit - Golden
  116. Plover - Ringed [Oct 07]
  117. Plover - Spur-winged
  118. Plover - White-fronted (aka White-fronted Sandplover)
  119. Plover - Three Banded
  120. Prinia - Tawny-flanked
  121. Puffback - Pringle's
  122. Pytilia - Green-winged
  123. Quail - Harlequin [01 Dec 07]
  124. Quelea - Red-billed
  125. Redshank - Spotted
  126. Roller - Broad-billed [25 Nov 07]
  127. Roller - European [17 Nov 07]
  128. Roller - Lilac-breasted [14 Nov 07]
  129. Ruff [25 Oct 07]
  130. Sandgrouse - Black-faced
  131. Sandpiper - Common [Oct 07]
  132. Sandpiper - Green [Oct 07]
  133. Sandpiper - Marsh [Oct 07]
  134. Sandpiper - Wood
  135. Scrub Robin - White-browed - subspecies: vulpina
  136. Shikra
  137. Shrike - Fiscal
  138. Shrike - Lesser Grey [10 Apr 11]
  139. Shrike - Slate-coloured Boubou
  140. Shrike - Red-tailed (aka Isabelline Shrike) - subspecies: phoenicuroides [08 Apr 11]
  141. Shrike - White-capped
  142. Silverbill - Grey-headed
  143. Snipe - African
  144. Snipe - Painted
  145. Sparrow - Grey-headed
  146. Sparrowhawk - Little
  147. Spoonbill - African
  148. Spurfowl - Yellow Necked (aka Yellow Necked Francolin)
  149. Starling - Fisher's
  150. Starling - Golden Breasted
  151. Starling - Magpie [11 Mar 09]
  152. Starling - Ruppell's Long-tailed Glossy
  153. Starling - Superb
  154. Starling - Wattled [22 Nov 07 - local migrant, follows rain]
  155. Stint - Little [26 Oct 07]
  156. Stork - African Open-billed
  157. Stork - Black [Oct 07]
  158. Stork - Marabou
  159. Stork - Saddle-billed
  160. Stork - Woolly-necked
  161. Stork - Yellow-billed
  162. Sunbird - Black-bellied
  163. Sunbird - Collared
  164. Sunbird - Hunters
  165. Sunbird - Purple-banded (aka Little Purple-banded Sunbird) - subspecies: tsavoensis with little or no maroon/violet on it at all, despite the name.
  166. Sunbird - Violet-backed
  167. Swallow - Lesser Striped
  168. Swallow - Mosque
  169. Swallow - Wire-tailed
  170. Swift - African Palm
  171. Swift - Common (aka Eurasian Swift) [Oct 07]
  172. Swift - Little
  173. Tchagra - Three Streaked [07 Nov 10]
  174. Teal - Red-billed (aka Red-billed Duck) [20 Oct 07]
  175. Tern - species?
  176. Thrush - Olive
  177. Tinkerbird - Red-fronted
  178. Wagtail - Pied
  179. Warbler - Olivaceous [24 Jan 11]
  180. Warbler - Red-fronted
  181. Warbler - Wood [31 Oct 10]
  182. Warbler - Wren
  183. Weaver - African Golden
  184. Weaver - Chestnut [Oct 07]
  185. Weaver - Grosbeak
  186. Weaver - Lesser Masked (aka Masked Weaver)
  187. Weaver - Red-headed
  188. Weaver - Village (aka Black Headed Weaver)
  189. Weaver - Vitelline Masked
  190. Weaver - Red-billed Buffalo
  191. Weaver - White-headed Buffalo
  192. Wheatear - Isabelline [08 May 11]
  193. Wheatear - Northern
  194. Whydah - Paradise
  195. Whydah - Pin-tailed
  196. Wood Hoopoe - Green
  197. Woodpecker - Bearded
  198. Woodpecker - Cardinal
  199. Woodpecker - Nubian
Von der Decken Hornbill
Plus lots of LBJs ('Little Brown Jobs' which are impossible to identify!)

Bird Photo Galleries:
Birds of Kulafumbi [2008]...
In Pictures: Eagles of Kulafumbi [2007]...
In Pictures: Resident Bird Species of Kulafumbi [2007]...
Migrant Birds in pictures: annual visitors to Kulafumbi [2007]...
Pictures at the birdbath [2007]...
Follow "our" Egyptian Goose family as they raise their goslings to adulthood [2007 & 2008]...
