PLANTS & FLOWERS: Kulafumbi's Floral Beauties > Wild Flowers: Plants & Flowers beyond the house [2007] (209)
Yellow Beauties outside (24 Oct 07)
This weird tuber which is trying to spawn a creeper hardly merits the name "Yellow Beauty", but when you see the same plant flowering inside our house, you will understand why I have given it this name. This poor specimen is attempting to grow under the Commiphora tree on the Hippo Lawn, but every time it sends out a new shoot, the Dik-Diks are quick to nibble it down again. More news from this day... -
Yellow Beauties outside (24 Oct 07)
More tubers trying to live up to their name, also under the Commiphora tree on the Hippo Lawn. More news from this day... -
Delonix Elata flowers (05 November 2007)
The Delonix tree has the most incredible white and yellow flowers (which normally appear at the end of the rainy season, but not this time. Take a look at my Tree Watch gallery for more images of these beautiful trees. More news from 5th November 2007... -
Dry Baobab Flowers (14 Nov 07)
As they dry out and die, the Baobab flowers almost become more beautiful than they are in life - if that is possible, for the big white blossoms are breathtaking. In death, the flowers turn a deep rich red colour. More news from today... -
Butter-Pompom Flowers (15 Nov 07)
Each butter-coloured "pompom" on this plant is a mass of tiny flowers - absolutely exquisite (if unidentifiable). News from 15th November 2007... -
Abutilon mauritianum flower (15 Nov 07)
The "Four o'Clock Flower...Read all about it... -
The Wasp Flower (15 Nov 07)
I don't know what flowers these tiny yellow ones are, so I shall - for the time being anyway - call them the Wasp Flowers, for these were the blooms on which the giant red and black wasps were feeding. I went back the following day to see if the flowers had opened any more than this, but by then they were past their zenith - so perhaps this is how they are in their prime? News from 15th November 2007... -
Grewia Lilacina (15 Nov 07)
How about this for a pink beauty? News from 15th November 2007... -
Mystery Creeper (26 Nov 07)
This creeper is growing on a bush on the path leading down to 'The Peaceful Place'. I'm going to check back tomorrow to see what flowers blossom from these buds. More news from today... -
Mystery Creeper Buds (26 Nov 07)
Close-up of the mystery creeper buds. More news from today... -
Giant 'asparagus plant' in old campsite (30 Nov 07)
This 'asparagus plant' which we saw growing by the 'old campsite' is so huge, it makes our balcony ones look like mere minnows. News from 30th November 2007... -
'Asparagus plant' grove (30 Nov 07)
We found a whole "plantation" of asparagus plants by the old campsite - they seem to be springing up everywhere. News from 30th November 2007... -
Combretum aculeatum bush in full bloom (30 November 2007)
What an amazing sight - a Combretum bush in full flower! News from 30th November 2007... -
Bee feeding on Combretum flowers (30 Nov 07)
The Combretum flowers are a favourite with honey bees, although this year, bees have been scarce in these parts. Here you can see one flying from one flower to the next. News from 30th November 2007... -
Backlit Four O'Clock Flower (16 Dec 07)
Abutilon mauritanium flower, backlit by the afternoon sun. News from 16th December 2007... -