'Kulafumbi' is our family home in Kenya, East Africa. 'Kulafumbi' is a play on the Kiswahili words "kula vumbi", which mean "eat dust", because it was so hot and dusty building our house in this remote, wild, wonderful place. Kulafumbi borders the Tsavo National Park - with no fences between us and the Park, the wildlife comes and goes of its own free will and treats our land as its own, which is exactly how we like it. In turn, we provide a protected area for the wild animals to do as they please. This protected area also creates an important buffer for the river, which forms the boundary between us and the park. House & Land - more info My Family & I - more info
Look how many species of animals & birds we've spotted to date at Kulafumbi:
"We are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems..."
It was amazing to see how confident the chicks have become - and how long-legged! Both chicks were foraging (at great speed) far from the parent bird, coming and going at will. The parent seemed remarkably unperturbed by this, as if it knew this was a necessary part of the chicks learning to fend for themselves. By looking at each chick, hatched less than a day apart, you can tell how quickly they develop, day by day: the plumage of the older chick has developed noticeably in comparison to the second chick - and yet it is less than 24 hours older...How quickly these changes must occur. Catch up on all the news from 16th November 2007...