THE HOUSE - around and about our Kulafumbi home > Logistics of Living in the Bush... (18)
Collecting water from the river (3 Nov 07)
Because our new water pump has not yet been installed, we have to collect water from the river using the tractor and bowser. Here are Ian and my father doing all the hard work. See what else happened on this day... -
The Water Tank (3 Nov 07)
Our main water tank sits on top of our little hill, which allows the water to be gravity fed to the rest of the property. Read news from 3rd November 2007... -
Emptying water into tank (3 Nov 07)
Emptying the water from the bowser into the water tank, so we can have showers tonight! The acacia elatior tree you see growing beside the tank must have been planted by an elephant (via its dung), for this is a riverine species. See what else happened on this day... -
Hook Thorns around Pump House (26 Nov 07)
Planting hook thorns around the pump house is a good way of dissuading petty thieves. More news from today... -
Anti-Elephant Measures at Pump House (26 Nov 07)
In this part of the world, you have to elephant-proof any instalation that contains water - like our tank and pump house - otherwise the elephants will rip it apart to get at the fresh water. (They can twist 2" steel piping as if it were spaghetti). The rock wall around the water tank will eventually be higher than the tank, and then a weld-mesh cover will be put over the top so the elephants cannot get their trunks or their tusks in to break open the tank. This is our settlement tank, where the water we pump from the river is allowed to settle, allowing the silt to sink to the bottom, and clean water to be pumped up to the much larger storage tank at the top of our hill, which then feeds the house and other points on the property. More news from today... -
The Well with geese in the background (26 Nov 07)
When the water table is high enough, we can pump clean water directly from our well, seen here with "our" Egyptian Goose family behind. More news from today... -
Erecting the Wind Turbine Tower (26 Nov 07)
Our solar and wind energy systems are being installed - here you can see the wind turbine tower being erected. More news from today... -
Erecting the Wind Turbine Tower (26 Nov 07)
The last section gets hoisted - now we wait for the turbine itself (which is still stuck in customs at the port...) More news from today... -
Energy Control Centre (26 Nov 07)
This is the system which will convert the sun and the wind energy into electricity for our home. More news from today... -
Home-baked Bread (04 Jan 08)
My bread-maker is a little too power-hungry for our solar system, which means I'm back to baking bread by hand again...not a bad effort, if I say so myself! -