WILD PORTRAITS: Wild Animal, Bird & Insect Images > SEPTEMBER GOOSE FAMILY: The story of "our" goslings [2007] (48)
Egyptian Goose Family (late September 2007)
These photos were taken before I began this journal, so I do not have an exact date for them - some time in late September. We don't have any pictures of the goslings when they were really tiny - these are the first we have. You'll notice, however, there are only six goslings - the family lost one tiny little one on the very first night they came to the Athi...but the rest of them look healthy and strong, and seem to be doing just fine. The problem for goslings is that they are the ideal meal for a whole range of predators... -
Egyptian Goose Family (late September 2007)
Another shot of the geese and their brood, late September 2007. -
Egyptian Goose Family (23 October 2007)
The 'Donald Duck Walk'...Read news fom October 23rd 2007... -
Huddle of Geese (01 Nov 07)
The whole family huddled up in the morning on a rock island, with a Dikkop behind. What else happened on this day? -
Egyptian Geese Parents & Goslings (01 Nov 07)
So handsome in the morning light! What else happened on this day? -
Growing up fast (3 Nov 07)
The goslings are fast approaching the size of their parents. See what else happened on this day... -
"Almost-flying" Egyptian Goose Family (26 Nov 07)
My father saw all 5 goslings and their parents flying yesterday. When we surprised the goose family near our well, they half-flew-half-ran across the water to a sand island...so I have yet to snap them in full flight. News from November 26th 2007... -
Egyptian Goose Family (26 Nov 07)
The goose family on a sand island near our well. News from November 26th 2007... -
Scattered Feathers tell a story... (16 Dec 07)
We found these feathers, which look horribly like goose feathers, under the trees in The Peaceful Place...does this mean that one of "our" family has met a sticky end at the claws of a Martial Eagle or other predator? News from 16th December 2007... -
Alone again (18 Feb 08)
The parent geese, alone again, with all their offspring now independent and bringing this little saga to a close. - THE END -