WILD PORTRAITS: Wild Animal, Bird & Insect Images > SMALL FRY: The smaller creatures photographed in, from or near the house [2007] (59)
Ground Squirrel at Bird Food
The Unstriped Ground Squirrel is a favourite resident of the area around our house. They come to feed on the bird food which I put outside the kitchen window - they like the fresh fruit, and any cereal-based food like bread or rice. While they're feeding, they use their tails as a protective shield against predators. 22 October 2007 -
Ground Squirrel having a good munch
Showing why it is a rodent, this squirrel busily gnaws away at whatever tasty morsel it has found amongst the bird food. 22 October 2007 -
Monitor at River's Edge
The Monitor [Lizards] must have come out of aestivation, for we are starting to see them by the river again after a long absence. This was my first sighting this year. It is a Water Monitor, which is slightly larger than its 'cousin', the Rock Monitor - although this particular photo is of a small specimen. 22 October 2007 -
Porcupine Baby Quill (01 Nov 07)
It looks like the porcupine has a baby, judging from the size of this tiny quill, compared to the adult one. The porcupine(s) come visiting late in the night to gnaw on cabbage leaves and broccoli stalks, and any other fresh fruit and vegetables I leave out for them. More news... -
Resident Skink in Upstairs Balcony Flowerbed
This Rainbow Skink has taken up residence on our balcony, where it is very welcome to eat as many insects as it likes. This is either a female of a juvenile skink, for they have stripey heads and blue tails. The adult male Rainbow Skink is a glossy brown colour. 22 October 2007 -
Scattered Tortoise Shell (3 Nov 07)
Something ate this tortoise a long time ago, up by our water tank. See what else happened on this day... -
Giant Ground Snail Shell (3 Nov 07)
It's a while since a Giant Ground Snail inhabited this shell...See what else happened on this day... -
Agama in Garden, river behind (19 Nov 07)
Who owns this place, anyway? This Agama Lizard looks like he doesn't want anyone else on his patch. Photographed on the edge of our lawn, overlooking the river on 19th November 2007. Find out what else happened on this day... -
A very wet genet cat (22 Nov 07)
I like this shot of the Genet Cat, with its wet fur, staring at us through the undergrowth. It sums up the mood of this rainy November morning... Read more news from today... -
Wet Genet Cat (22 Nov 07)
We saw this Genet Cat on top of one of the bee hives in the Acacia Tortilis tree on the top road of our driveway - maybe it thought that was the driest place to be on this wet morning. As soon as the car approached, the genet dived into the undergrowth, but I managed to get a couple of shots through the bushes. Read more news from today... -
Resident Gecko (26 Nov 07)
The gecko who lives in our office bathroom downstairs, and comes out at night to hunt for insects. The more mosquitoes it eats, the better, as far as I'm concerned. News from November 26th 2007... -
Resident Balcony Toad (26 Nov 07)
This toad lives on our balcony and comes out at night to forage for bugs. He can be a bit noisy with his loud croaking, but I like him nonetheless. You can just see him hopping behind the tree stump stool against the wall here. News from November 26th 2007... -
Resident Toad (26 nov 07)
A close-up of our resident balcony Toad, trying unsuccessfully to squeeze himself under this tree-stump stool. News from November 26th 2007... -
Tree Frog Nest (27 Nov 07)
Tree Frogs lay their eggs in communal foam nests over stagnant water - a sad indictment of the Mtito River today, where we saw this nest. When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles fall out of the nest into the water. What else happened on this day? -
Tadpoles trapped in puddle (27 Nov 07)
These tadpoles were trapped in an ever-diminishing puddle of water on the dry Mtito riverbed, so we decided to mount a rescue effort... What else happened on this day? -
Tadpole Rescue (27 Nov 07)
My father scooped up the pocket of tadpoles, and moved them to a large pool, where they will have a higher chance of survival, and eventually will metamorphose into frogs. What else happened on this day? -
Tadpoles in new pool (27 Nov 07)
The rescued tadpoles dispersed in their new, larger pool. What else happened on this day? -
Mole Rat Mounds (30 Nov 07)
The Naked Mole Rats (not nature's most aesthetically beautiful creations) have been burrowing beneath the 'Little Serengeti', as evidenced by the mounds of earth building up. More tales from 30th November 2007... -
Rainbow Skink on the balcony (15 Dec 07)
This male Rainbow Skink has become incredibly tame, and lives with us on our balcony. Stories from this day... -
Rock Hyrax on Termite Mound (16 Dec 07)
We think this Hyrax might have babies in this termite mound, for we often see it sitting atop the mound. News from 16th December 2007... -