19th December 2007

We’ve re-designed the area around our bird table…we decided we wanted another thorn tree or two in the balcony garden, so we extended the flowerbed area and my father went off in search of the appropriate tree to transplant (see picture below of the new tree going in)…we hadn’t quite expected him to return with such a giant! There’s no doubting though, it looks great and the birds love it.
The most amazing big white tiered lilies are flowering – like white star pyramids dotted around the green bushland. On the other end of the scale, I photographed a tiny, tiny pink flower with a yellow center, about fifty yards off the road to the dam. We haven’t seen it anywhere else, but it’s very pretty.
Amazing white lily (click to enlarge)
Close-up of Lily flowers
Rooftop "octopus aloe" budding
Close-up of rooftop aloe buds
The “octopus aloe” in our rooftop garden is also about to burst into flower – the pink buds boding well for a fountain of imminent red…
The view from our flat roof, on this rather grey-skied day...
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