4th August 2008 : Home again, but never a dull moment...

Back on the river again, and HOPEFULLY we’ll be able to stay put here for a couple of weeks at least, before we have to rush off again…work is just so hectic at the moment, and we are finding ourselves spending far too much time away from both home and desk!
The Ground Squirrels have found the bird table (above). You may think this is no major feat but in fact it’s quite cunning of them, for in order to get there, the squirrels have to make their way up the ramp that leads from the garden, through our front door and out to our balcony (on the first floor), and then circumnavigate the lounge…all in pursuit of the odd tasty morsel intended for the birds (but not begrudged by us, I have to admit, for we like having the squirrels there too.) There’s only one way in and one way out for the squirrels, and so they are still quite nervous while they’re at the bird table…this one even looks rather guilty as it hurriedly gnaws on a peanut:
The ensemble of maize, peanuts, millet and sunflower seeds that I put down outside the kitchen for the doves et al, is attracting quite a crowd. There were six Ground Squirrels there today, plus a few Tree Squirrels, dozens of Sparrows, Doves of varying descriptions, and the Dikdiks too, timid and alert in the late evening (above).
Does anyone else find it surprising that the Red-billed Hornbills like maize (or corn, as it would be known in the States)? Since when were they seed-eating birds? (Obviously longer than I have known about it!) I've noticed that even the Glossy Starlings are feeding on the maize, which I also find surprising.
Our Green-backed Heron (below) is making his presence felt again, after a period of reticence. I can’t quite decide whether he is more comical than handsome, or vice versa, but he has a good stab at both, I think!
The Spur-winged Plovers are never content, are they? Today they were bickering amongst themselves, chasing each other up and down the river…but they do make a pretty picture in flight…
The Quelea are starting to come to the river in bigger and bigger flocks now, swooping down to drink on the wing. These weaverbirds congregate in flocks of several million each at certain times of the year. This evening it was late when they reached the river, but this silhouette shows just a tiny number that passed by in the fading light:
I’m afraid that our geese have another loss to report…this tale is rather a tough one to follow, for as we celebrate the growing up of the goslings, we also have to face the fact that not all of them are going to survive… First there were twelve, now there are ten (seen here with their parents and a Hadada Ibis.) The juvenile, but nonetheless huge, Martial Eagle was here today - I wouldn't mind betting it has accounted for one or both of the lost goslings, and if the survivors are not careful, it won't stop there...
For those of you who might be interested, I was recently interviewed by Expat Women, a website for...you guessed it...expat women. It's a site set up to help women living in different countries around the world, and each month they do several special features on interesting or successful women. While I'm not strictly speaking an expat here in Kenya, I have lived in a few countries as an expat and, I think you'll all agree, currently live an unusual life in an extraordinary place. Read my interview here...
Reader Comments (1)
Once again a great work done by you...Frankly saying i only visit your site to see the beautiful captures,like here...Wow..!!! Every pic is so amazingly clicked that i can't explain in words....Keep going miss...Your blog is great...
villa estartit