1st September 2008 : E R - Kulafumbi style

Two little dickie birds sitting on the wall,
One named Peter, one named Paul.
Fly away Peter, fly away Paul,
No little dickie birds sitting on the wall...
Well, truth be told, it wasn't quite as simple as that. Back in July (I know, I'm way behind!), when there were a lot of quelea birds drinking on the river, something scared a flock below the house and, in their panic, a couple of birds flew into our window panes. Seeing the two tiny bodies lying inert on the floor, I rushed over (thinking the worst) but then I noticed they were both breathing, though completely unconscious. As they were laying in the hot sun, I picked them both up as gently as I could, and carried them around to the other side of the house, where there was some shade. I placed them side by side on our flowerbed wall and waited...and this is what happened...
To begin with, there didn't seem much hope. The two little birds were completely dazed and I thought they would not survive...
...but suddenly they opened their eyes...
...and began to perk up a bit...
...and then without warning, one flew off...
...shortly followed by the second.
The most dazed of the pair only made it as far as the bush by the side of the house, but seeing how strongly he gripped the branch he was sitting on, and having watched him fly quite steadily there, I knew - with relief - that he was going to be OK.
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Reader Comments (4)
Haha. Silly birds. Glad they were ok though.
I know...I was glad they were OK...when a bird flies into one of our windows, it makes me feel guilty that we put the house here in the first place! Fortunately, it doesn't happen very often, but this time, the birds were panicking because a falcon flew over.
I like a story with a happy ending. I feel the same when a poor little birdie flies into one of our windows. My neighbhor told me to clean the windows less frequently. She said the birds probably mistake the clean, transparent glass for clear air. Hmmmm.
Try telling my husband that....he's a clean window fanatic! ;-)