The Spur-winged Plovers attempting to nest on the island in the river below our house provide us with endless entertainment. Using more than just a little poetic license, here is a plover's eye view of the tactics that should be employed when dealing with unwelcome neighbours:
Always be aware of an undesirable arriving in your neighbourhood...
Start by making as much noise as you can - this can often suffice in driving ruffians away!
If that doesn't work, do not hesitate to launch an attack.
Work as a team wherever possible...
Always stay just out of reach...
And rely on your superior speed and agility!
Don't lose your nerve...
Maintain your two-pronged approach...
...to throw your enemy off-balance.
When you see him falter, press home your advantage...
...and pursue at all costs!
Cement your victory...
...by ensuring you always have an audience!
When it comes to a new foe, a surprise attack from the rear can be effective...
As can using tactics well rehearsed in previous campaigns.
Always remember that you are more beautiful than the beast...
And don't worry unduly if, from time to time, you are entirely ignored...
Most importantly of all, remember that ultimately success is also knowing when you cannot possibly win and quietly resigning yourself to that fact. Only then can you live to fight another day!

By the way, I have started a Kulafumbi Facebook Page. Please join the page to receive updates - I'll announce when I've uploaded a new blog entry, and also will be able to post snippets and a few photos when I don't have time to do a full story...CLICK HERE FOR KULAFUMBI'S FACEBOOK PAGE
Reader Comments (4)
Plucky birds!
Amazing works you got there Tanya,
In fact at some point I was saying, that Camera must be so powerful, then all over a sudden I realized that, it not just the camera, but the "brain and talent" behind the cam lens,
Congratulation Tanya, that's nice pictures, nice site, nice fonts choosing, you are a great designer Tanya
Keep it up.
Thanks for all the compliments, Kivaya!
Yes indeed, Imogen, these birds may not be the brightest in the world, but they must rank amongst the bravest...
Once again a terrific work done by you as it was done in past....The capture posted here are really awesome and gives a brief overview of how these Plovers birds behave before laying the eggs....Thanks for sharing this...
villa lloret